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Rusty Helper Rusty Helper#8786
Rusty Helper gives you the tools to play rust to the best of your ability taking your mind off remembering things and organisation to letting you focus on what's important.

Rusty Helper was created to support you in your Rust adventures. Rusty Helper provides insights into your Rust experience allowing you to improve by viewing your player stats as well as storing them to see how well a wipe has gone. The features this bot provides allows you to spend less time searching for tutorials and wondering what items will cost to research and to craft and spend more time doing what you love on Rust.

Rusty Helper Command overview

Item commands

;allitems Lists all items

;search [item] Searches for items with a similar name to [item]

;item [item] Lists general information about [item]

Tool commands

;generate Generates a random base code / frequency

;cctv {monument} Lists CCTV camera codes for all monuments

Puzzle commands

;allpuzzle Lists all puzzles in monuments

;puzzle [puzzle] Lists details about [puzzle]

Skin commands

;newskins Lists new skins added by facepunch

Transportation commands

;travel [transport type] [LGF] Lists how long [transport type] will last with [LGF]

Event + Farming commands

;excavator [amount of diesel] Lists resources from excavator for [amount of diesel] and how long

;quarries [type] [amount of LGF] Lists resources from quarry for [amount of LGF] and how long

Rust stats commands

;idadd [steam64ID] Adds your steam account so you can view your stats. Ensure public steam profile

;iddel Deletes your steam account from our database

;store Stores your current rust players stats or overrides them if you already have some

;wipestats [combat/resources/building/misc] Compares your current stats to your last stored ones

;stats [combat/resources/building/misc] {SteamID64} Displays a rust players statistics

;combat {SteamID64} Displays a rust players combat stats

;hours {SteamID64} Displays how many hours a player has rust

Server commands

;playersnow Displays current player count for rust

;playershistory Displays historical player counts for rust

Rust update commands

;forced Displays when next forced wipe is occuring

;countdown Countdown the the next forced wipe

Reference + misc. commands

;keybinds Lists useful

;bases Lists links to excellent youtube base design tutorials

;youtubers Lists brilliant youtubers to watch

;streamers Lists streamers to watch

;electrics Lists youtube videos on rust electrics

;websites Lists useful rust websites

Config commands

;help Brings up a list of commands

;config colour [colour in hex #d14a1d] Changes the embeds colour

;config prefix [prefix] Changes the bots prefix

;config channel [#channel] Sets the bot to only be allowed to talk in one channel

;config alert [mention] Changes the alert settings