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Percy Percy#6518
?,/ (Customizable)
Percy is a Multipurpose Moderation, Fun Bot with many more features.
Owner: Klappstuhl Prefix: ?,/ (Customizable)


This project is a Discord bot written in Python using the library. The bot is designed to perform various tasks and enhance the functionality of Discord servers.

- You have access to multiple Commands related to Moderation, like Ban Members, Mute Members or Fun like translation, Memes from Reddit, Emoji and Command Usage Statistics. Also Information Commands like Userinfo or Serverinfo Commands.

- This Bot supports functionality like Reminders, a hole Poll System, Leveling System, a wide range Moderation System a Spam Checker.

---> Invite Percy to your Server.

โš™๏ธ Moderation

  • Setup your Server Moderation Configuration including Mod Logs, Raid Protection or Discord Status Feed Subscription.
  • Channel Lockdowns, Message Managing, Member Managing.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Fun

  • This Bot provides your Server with Fun Support with Minigames like Minesweeper, TicTacToe or even HangMan. But also Casino Games like Poker, Blackjack or Slot can be played.

โš™๏ธ Documentation

  • You have also access to Documentation related Commands like many searching libraries for example Python, aiohttp any many more.

๐Ÿ“Š Giveaways and Polls

  • Percy provides your Server with a wide-range Poll System and also a own Giveaway System.
For more Information about our Bots functionality, you can Invite it and explore Percy on your own.